Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Summary for 1st post
In my first post, I was able to tell Coach Nathan who I am and why I was commenting on his post. His most recent post was long and had what he had been doing in September. He was a keynote speaker at a seminar on integrating technology into Physical Education. He also talked about being able to collaborate with other teachers and how much he enjoyed it. I think he is going to be a great resource and someone I can learn from.

Summary for 2nd post
I really enjoyed this post. The teacher seemed to have so much enthusiasm. She referred to knowledge as food and as long as we get the healthy stuff, that's all that matters. I especially liked this because I feel many teachers think there is only one or two ways students should learn and that's not true. There are dozens of ways to deliver a lesson and when determining the best one, you should think about you students. She has also created parent education sessions so parents can learn the same technologies their children are learning. What a fabulous idea. Parents could then help their child if they had any questions and could also encourage them to do better work.

Summary for 3rd post
My third post was done by Ms Andrea. Ms. Andrea's post related to thinking outside of the box and teaching our students to learn this way. My favorite thing she said was about making a choice to either stay in the box or get out, and if you do get out of this boxed in way of thinking/teaching, throw the box away. That is so true and I felt like it made perfect sense. I've seen many teachers try to get students to think outside of the box when they teacher is actually still in it. It's crazy, but it happens.
think outside the box

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