Monday, October 13, 2014

Post #8

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture
The first thing that stood out to me was not denying yourself dreams. Meaning, do not let someone else’s success make you feel like you cannot succeed, too. He also talks about giving people enough time to surprise you. If they make you mad, just wait and be patient because their time to surprise you is coming. One interesting thing he speaks on is “The best way to teach someone is to have them think they are learning something else”. He wants millions of kids to learn while having fun doing hard stuff. I really like how he uses humor to deliver his message. It’s very obvious that he’s a character. I like that even though it’s a professional seminar, he can uses his humor to make the message more interesting and not boring. A key statement in his seminar is that you don’t just learn from your bosses. As educators, we need to also learn from our students. He throws out the question, “Are you Tigger or are you Eeyore”? Tigger was happy go lucky and Eeyore was always sad and depressed. Also, help others. Don’t ever become so busy that you can’t help someone in need. The last part of his speech talks about how to get others to help you. In order for this to partake, you must: apologize when you’re wrong, be earnest, focus on others and not yourself, and tell the truth. He also believes in karma. Watching this video was great. It’s great to see someone who will enjoy their life up to their last breathe. Lastly, never give up on your dreams. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks about them. If you feel like you can do it, go do it.


  1. I also enjoyed the Tigger and Eeyore reference. He was very easy to listen to and also very inspirational. Good blog, however don't forget to add pictures to your blog posts.

  2. Are you aware that he died six months after giving this lecture?
